I came across listing for a new online lit mag, see below. I like it that these guys let you pick your category of truthfulness in your narrative.
I was talking with a photographer friend, and he was showing me some of the manipulation one can do in PhotoShop, which a digital camera can also be adjusted to do. What the photographer chooses is "the truth." We are the camera for our readers. We think about what's at the heart of our narrative--which is a arguably a subjective decision because it's the emotion we convey, not just the facts--and we tell our story accordingly.
Oh well, enough pontificating. Back to a quilt I'm doing with my daughter (12) to enter in the county fair as a group effort. (It's a small group, but no one has defined "group.")
Anyway, here's the listing:
Storyscape, a new literary journal that is story-centered, asks for your submission. We want your: Short story, long story, overheard story, invented story, true story, false story, poetic story, oral story, historical story, crafted story, stolen story, visual story.
Just captivate us with the strength of the story. The premise of the journal is to expand the notion of what stories are while shaking up the labels we use to define them. To this end, we've come up with four sections of the journal:
- Truth,
- Untruth,
- We Don't Know and They Won't Tell Us, and
- Stories without Words.
You label your own piece, which means you decide what "the truth" means to you. All we want is to lean back, relax, and listen to your story.
Our first issue will be online. Please send all submissions by October 15, 2007, by email to: storymaster@storyscapejournal.com
For more information, please check out our Web site at
You can also be our MySpace friend: www.myspace.com/storyscape
category: markets